Breed Standard<\/p>\n
Old Definition: A dog, especially a mongrel. A stupid person (short for muttonhead).<\/p>\n
New Definition: M.U.T.T. – Most Unique Totally Terrific dog<\/p>\n
General Appearance<\/p>\n
The Mutt is a dog. His whole appearance is one of dignity and aloofness or slobbering, wiggling, happy-to-see-you joy. He has a proudly carried head, or it can be cocked to one side in an adorable expression that is often caught by photography everywhere.<\/p>\n
There should be one. Faults are given for any number exceeding this or for missing this important feature.<\/p>\n
The back line should start from the neck and end at the tail.<\/p>\n
Tail set not too high on the body, such as in the middle of the back. No faults are given for a missing tail.<\/p>\n
Forelegs come in pairs; ditto for the hindlegs. However, no faults are given for slightly less or more than this number.<\/p>\n
Hindquarters, flanks, ribs, forequarters, and legs can be well covered with some type of hair. Or sparsely covered.<\/p>\n
Dogs, 2 inches, plus or minus 60 inches; bitches, 2 inches, plus or minus 58 inches.<\/p>\n
Dogs, 0-200 pounds; bitches, about the same.<\/p>\n
All colors are permissible, but color or color combinations are pleasing; any color markings, especially on the head, are cute.<\/p>\n
When running free, the Mutt should have his tongue flapping gaily in the wind and a look of utter joy on his kissable face.<\/p>\n
Cuddly, happy, goofy, loyal.<\/p>\n
Did you know?<\/p>\n
75% of all dogs entering U.S. shelters are Mutts. Adopt one today and help wipe out canine discrimination!<\/p>\n
edited to add: I love all dogs – mixed, pure, big, little – no dissing of purebreds was meant by this post. Just wanted to make sure the lovable M.U.T.T.s got their due!<\/p>\n
(now THAT was funny)<\/p>\n
Boston’s make the world go ’round!<\/p>\n
Back to top<\/p>\n
Running with the Head of the Pack<\/p>\n
The ‘Mutt’ describtion is cute ^-^’ I’m SO glad you added it! I wouldn’t want my fuzzbaby’s breed not to be included here!!<\/p>\n
I know the contest is well over, but soon I might add another describtion to this FABULOUS topic<\/p>\n
!A dog won’t bite when a growl will do! ~Dogs are so sweet they’re almost edible~ Curiousity killed the cat though it did wonders for the dog<\/p>\n
That is too cute about the mutt! Thank you so much for sharing it.<\/p>\n
OoODoggidyOoO, please do feel free to add additional profiles. I always need new ones as it what better reference for those considering the breed than by someone who is owned by it!<\/p>\n
The online community for dog lovers!<\/p>\n – All dog breeds welcome!<\/p>\n
Dogs, 0-200 pounds; bitches, about the same.<\/p>\n
I think this is below breed standard should be at least 1-200 pounds. That was just great!<\/p>\n
I love Muttles Rottweiler history and breed standard to follow<\/p>\n
The theories about the origins of the Rottweiler are many and varied.<\/p>\n
If one is to trace the history of the breed given<\/p>\n
the available literature that has been published<\/p>\n
one could not come to a definitive decision as to the exact origins of this breed.<\/p>\n
Most cynologists share the view of the German, Strebel, that the Rottweiler<\/p>\n
is one of the breeds originating from the Roman Empire.<\/p>\n
In ancient times the main task of these dogs was to hold together and drive forward the herds of cattle that the cattle dealers and butchers were<\/p>\n
driving on foot at the time.<\/p>\n
The dog that accompanied the eleventh legion that<\/p>\n
was to conquer the area we now know as Rottweil in AD74 would not be<\/p>\n
recognizable as the breed we know today.<\/p>\n
Roman legions used different dogs for different purposes. The large molossian dogs were primarily used to guard the camps; cattle dogs to drive cattle which accompanied the legions. The ancestors of the cattle dogs may well have been ancient breeds of dogs, a mixture of Tibetan Mastiffs ,other large dogs of the same type and the molossian dog.<\/p>\n
Of these , interestingly enough, the Tibetan mastiffs were used in their country of origin to hunt wild boars.<\/p>\n
Cattle dogs obviously followed the Roman legions regularly, driving the cattle which was needed to feed the troops . With Roman expeditions, the dogs traversed the alps to the north, to that was then the Germanic province.Cattle dogs remained in the vicinity of major Roman military routes and later developed into local breeds<\/p>\n
In today’s Switzerland, the old province of Helvetia , the military route<\/p>\n
passed the St Gothard pass and in the North split into several routes. One<\/p>\n
of these went to the north east toward the Lake Boden to Appenzell<\/p>\n
The cattle dogs in this region in to what is today know as the<\/p>\n
Appenzeller Sennenhund.<\/p>\n
The Western Route across the Furka Pass went through Haslital up the<\/p>\n
riverto Bern and further north to Emmental , to the region from<\/p>\n
where today’s Bernese Entelbuchian Mountain Dogs originate<\/p>\n
Further north, beyond the canton of Aargau , through the Schaffhausen and Donausingen,<\/p>\n
the route continued to the town of Rottweil, the home of the Rottweiler<\/p>\n
When the Swiss Sennendogs are compared with the Rottweiler, it is easy to find the similarities They resemble each other to such an<\/p>\n
extent that a common origin can not be ruled out. The fourth Sennen breed, the Greater Swiss Shepherd dog, also comes from the same dogs.Cattle dogs were portrayed in art 300 to 400 years ago.<\/p>\n
The Flemish painter Peter Paul Reubens (1577-1640), in his painting ;Wolf and the Fox Hunt , shows a dog with obvious Rottweiler characteristics biting a wolf in the back.<\/p>\n
In the past cattle dogs were born as a result of not only accidental<\/p>\n
but also planned mating between breeds of different origin. The existence of dogs was determined by their suitability and usefulness for the purpose for which they were needed. People needed working dogs, and improved their working qualities which were their only objective in breeding. Climatic conditions and the local terrain also long eliminated poorer dogs from breeding, a factor which has also influenced the development of pure breeds.<\/p>\n
People who kept cattle dogs wanted their dogs to show willingness to work.<\/p>\n
They also had to have stamina, sturdiness and strength. The dogs had to be able to adjust to bleak and in many respects, poor living conditions. They had to be hard and tenacious to succeed in their work, driving and protecting herds of cattle. These were the dogs that forced the most ferocious bull in the right direction, frightened the most hardened bandit with their strength and fury as they defended their master and cattle, without giving an inch.<\/p>\n
Already the Romans demanded good working qualities from their dogs, and the same requirements later determined the right of cattle dogs to live and breed.<\/p>\n
After the Roman cattle dogs crossed the Alps, they mixed with Northern Strains.<\/p>\n
The resulting out-crossing of strains did not caused any damage because the functions of cattle dogs had become more versatile. The breeds bred for specific, narrowly defined duties included the Saupecker A pig<\/p>\n
Chaser and the Bullenbiser; Bull Biter.<\/p>\n
The later is one of the fore runners of the Boxer<\/p>\n
The cross breeding of different breeds created an excellent breed in the<\/p>\n
region of the Lake Boden and the Main . It combined the best temperamental<\/p>\n
and physical qualities of the Roman Cattle Dogs , the local herding dogs, and<\/p>\n
the broad-chinned British and Dutch Bullenbeissers.<\/p>\n
Romans used very large and strong dogs to guard the back gates of their<\/p>\n
camps in remote and outlying areas. Today the offspring of these camp dogs<\/p>\n
probably include the Italian Mastiff, The Neapolitan Mastiff.<\/p>\n
The Rottweiler has inherited some of it’s fearlessness and large size from these dogs.<\/p>\n
The great variation in the size of the Rottweiler can be explained by<\/p>\n
the mixed background of the breed. Oversized Rottweilers are not rare even<\/p>\n
.A versatile dog was quickly developed out of this mixture of breeds, to<\/p>\n
become inseparable companion and helper to butchers and cattle dealers.<\/p>\n
The dogs main function was to drive and protect herds of cattle, and to protect<\/p>\n
and defend the property of it’s master. The dog came to be known as the<\/p>\n
Butchers Dog, Metzgerhund , after it’s master.<\/p>\n
A steady , very strong and reliable dog was required . The butchers dog<\/p>\n
had these qualities furthermore, as full blooded guard dogs, they were able to<\/p>\n
protect their master and property on long trading trips from home. There<\/p>\n
are reports that the masters could tie their purses to their dogs collars<\/p>\n
and this was the safest place for them to keep their money from<\/p>\n
robbers and bandits. It was not unusual that these useful high<\/p>\n
quality dogs were sought from eager buyers from abroad<\/p>\n
In foreign countries their excellent qualities bought credit to their origin, their breeding and their home<\/p>\n
They were often called simply The Rottweil Dogs after their hometown<\/p>\n
also known as Area Flaviae by the Romans.<\/p>\n
Rottweilers were not used only to drive herd and protect cattle but also<\/p>\n
as draught dogs. It was a usual sight to see a Rottweiler pulling carts of<\/p>\n
butchers, bakers, milkmen and country traders<\/p>\n
It is known whether too much was demanded on the draught dogs or whether<\/p>\n
they were treated cruelly but the use of draught dogs was forbidden in Central<\/p>\n
Europe. The ban still exists in some countries.<\/p>\n
In the Nordic countries and the Arctic regions in general, draught work has always been accepted practice.<\/p>\n
The prevailing view is that dogs in fact like draught work and no one has<\/p>\n
thought of forbidding it.<\/p>\n
The transportation of cattle was gradually taken over by the railways and<\/p>\n
cattle driving by dogs was forbidden. Donkeys replaced dogs as draught<\/p>\n
animals. Consequently lost it’s usefulness as two of it’s earlier functions were<\/p>\n
taken away.The breed no longer has any great importance. It’s population and<\/p>\n
geographical area of influence decreased considerably in 1905 , the city of<\/p>\n
Rottweil has only had one single Rottweiler bitch left. The steep decrease in<\/p>\n
the breed did not lucky for us, lead to it’s extinction. The breeds temperament<\/p>\n
and character attracted new faithful friends in all professional and social<\/p>\n
classes beyond the original cattle dealers<\/p>\n
The Rottweilers long association and co-operation with man has molded<\/p>\n
the breed in conformation as well as temperament. It’s good traits were simply<\/p>\n
strengthened when modern cynology took over. The Rottweiler was by that time an<\/p>\n
individual breed of it’s own characteristics with the German writer Countess<\/p>\n
Agar von Hagen , accurately described as she wrote”This sturdy helper is<\/p>\n
loyal, full of good humor, it is kind to children, it makes a definite<\/p>\n
distinction between service and non service. In private life the dangerous<\/p>\n
defender become a gentle lamb. Its wise eyes which, can gaze with terrorizing<\/p>\n
effect, can , to a friend, show a sincere and reliable trustworthy expression.<\/p>\n
The Rottweiler is not elegant. It is confidently happy with a deep mind,<\/p>\n
strength is it’s nobility”<\/p>\n
New functions were found for the Rottweiler to demonstrate it’s abilities<\/p>\n
based on its physical qualities, adaptable nature, and natural intelligence.<\/p>\n
When dogs were first introduced to Police duties in 1901 , the Rottweiler<\/p>\n
was soon included. After all the Rottweiler was never anything but man’s helper.<\/p>\n
It’s temperament was molded and refined by work. The nobility of it’s<\/p>\n
character was especially reflected by it’s loyalty and reliability, diligence<\/p>\n
and intelligence combined with courage in the face of danger.<\/p>\n
A Rottweiler was first shown at a dog show in in Heilbronn in 1882. The<\/p>\n
Germans reported that the dog showing then met modern requirements<\/p>\n
only to a lesser degree.<\/p>\n
In 1905 the Rottweiler was selected as a fine dog of unusual breed and irreproachable<\/p>\n
character; to be presented to the President of a dog show, organized by<\/p>\n
the Association of the Friends of Dogs in Heidelberg, Germany.<\/p>\n
Through the stages of development, described here, the Rottweiler finally<\/p>\n
became a recognized breed among the modern breeds of pure bred dogs. Today’s<\/p>\n
cynology defines what was earlier left to coincidence and nature, its objective<\/p>\n
is to breed and enhance its sensibility. Let this be the guideline and ultimate<\/p>\n
objectives of breeders in all countries.<\/p>\n
Breed Standard<\/p>\n
General Appearance<\/p>\n
The ideal Rottweiler is a medium large, robust and powerful dog, black with clearly defined rust markings. His compact and substantial build denotes great strength, agility and endurance. Dogs are characteristically more massive throughout with larger frame and heavier bone than bitches. Bitches are distinctly feminine, but without weakness of substance or structure.<\/p>\n
Size, Proportion, Substance<\/p>\n
Dogs–24 inches to 27 inches. Bitches–22 inches to 25 inches, with preferred size being mid-range of each sex. Correct proportion is of primary importance, as long as size is within the standard’s range.<\/p>\n
The length of body, from prosternum to the rearmost projection of the rump, is slightly longer than the height of the dog at the withers, the most desirable proportion of the height to length being 9 to 10. The Rottweiler is neither coarse nor shelly. Depth of chest is approximately fifty percent (50%) of the height of the dog. His bone and muscle mass must be sufficient to balance his frame, giving a compact and very powerful appearance.<\/p>\n
Serious Faults–Lack of proportion, undersized, oversized, reversal of sex characteristics (bitchy dogs, doggy bitches).<\/p>\n
Of medium length, broad between the ears; forehead line seen in profile is moderately arched; zygomatic arch and stop well developed with strong broad upper and lower jaws. The desired ratio of backskull to muzzle is 3 to 2. Forehead is preferred dry, however some wrinkling may occur when dog is alert. Expression is noble, alert, and self-assured. Eyes of medium size, almond shaped with well fitting lids, moderately deep-set, neither protruding nor receding. The desired color is a uniform dark brown. Serious Faults–Yellow (bird of prey) eyes, eyes of different color or size, hairless eye rim. Disqualification–Entropion. Ectropion. Ears of medium size, pendant, triangular in shape; when carried alertly the ears are level with the top of the skull and appear to broaden it. Ears are to be set well apart, hanging forward with the inner edge lying tightly against the head and terminating at approximately mid-cheek. Serious Faults–Improper carriage (creased, folded or held away from cheek\/head). Muzzle–Bridge is straight, broad at base with slight tapering towards tip. The end of the muzzle is broad with well developed chin. Nose is broad rather than round and always black. Lips-Always black; corners closed; inner mouth pigment is preferred dark. Serious Faults–Total lack of mouth pigment (pink mouth). Bite and Dentition–Teeth 42 in number (20 upper, 22 lower), strong, correctly placed, meeting in a scissors bite–lower incisors touching inside of upper incisors. Serious Faults–Level bite; any missing tooth. Disqualifications–Overshot, undershot (when incisors do not touch or mesh); wry mouth; two or more missing teeth.<\/p>\n
Neck, Topline, Body<\/p>\n
Neck–Powerful, well muscled, moderately long, slightly arched and without loose skin. Topline–The back is firm and level, extending in a straight line from behind the withers to the croup. The back remains horizontal to the ground while the dog is moving or standing. Body–The chest is roomy, broad and deep, reaching to elbow, with well pronounced forechest and well sprung, oval ribs. Back is straight and strong. Loin is short, deep and well muscled. Croup is broad, of medium length and only slightly sloping. Underline of a mature Rottweiler has a slight tuck-up. Males must have two normal testicles properly descended into the scrotum. Disqualification–Unilateral cryptorchid or cryptorchid males. Tail–Tail docked short, close to body, leaving one or two tail vertebrae. The set of the tail is more important than length. Properly set, it gives an impression of elongation of topline; carried slightly above horizontal when the dog is excited or moving.<\/p>\n
Shoulder blade is long and well laid back. Upper arm equal in length to shoulder blade, set so elbows are well under body. Distance from withers to elbow and elbow to ground is equal. Legs are strongly developed with straight, heavy bone, not set close together. Pasterns are strong, springy and almost perpendicular to the ground. Feet are round, compact with well arched toes, turning neither in nor out. Pads are thick and hard. Nails short, strong and black. Dewclaws may be removed.<\/p>\n
Angulation of hindquarters balances that of forequarters. Upper thigh is fairly long, very broad and well muscled. Stifle joint is well turned. Lower thigh is long, broad and powerful, with extensive muscling leading into a strong hock joint. Rear pasterns are nearly perpendicular to the ground. Viewed from the rear, hind legs are straight, strong and wide enough apart to fit with a properly built body. Feet are somewhat longer than the front feet, turning neither in nor out, equally compact with well arched toes. Pads are thick and hard. Nails short, strong, and black. Dewclaws must be removed.<\/p>\n
Outer coat is straight, coarse, dense, of medium length and lying flat. Undercoat should be present on neck and thighs, but the amount is influenced by climatic conditions. Undercoat should not show through outer coat. The coat is shortest on head, ears and legs, longest on breeching. The Rottweiler is to be exhibited in the natural condition with no trimming. Fault–Wavy coat. Serious Faults–Open, excessively short, or curly coat; total lack of undercoat; any trimming that alters the length of the natural coat. Disqualification–Long coat.<\/p>\n
Always black with rust to mahogany markings. The demarcation between black and rust is to be clearly defined. The markings should be located as follows: a spot over each eye; on cheeks; as a strip around each side of muzzle, but not on the bridge of the nose; on throat; triangular mark on both sides of prosternum;on forelegs from carpus downward to the toes; on inside of rear legs showing down the front of the stifle and broadening out to front of rear legs from hock to toes, but not completely eliminating black from rear of pasterns; un-der tail; black penciling on toes. The undercoat is gray, tan, or black. Quantity and location of rust markings is important and should not exceed ten percent of body color. Serious Faults–Straw-colored, excessive, insufficient or sooty markings; rust marking other than described above; white marking any place on dog (a few rust or white hairs do not constitute a marking). Disqualifications–Any base color other than black; absence of all markings.<\/p>\n
The Rottweiler is a trotter. His movement should be balanced, harmonious, sure, powerful and unhindered, with strong forereach and a powerful rear drive. The motion is effortless, efficient, and ground-covering. Front and rear legs are thrown neither in nor out, as the imprint of hind feet should touch that of forefeet. In a trot the forequarters and hindquarters are mutually coordinated while the back remains level, firm and relatively motionless. As speed increases the legs will converge under body towards a center line.<\/p>\n
The Rottweiler is basically a calm, confident and courageous dog with a self-assured aloofness that does not lend itself to immediate and indiscriminate friendships. A Rottweiler is self-confident and responds quietly and with a wait-and-see attitude to influences in his environment. He has an inherent desire to protect home and family, and is an intelligent dog of extreme hardness and adaptability with a strong willingness to work, making him especially suited as a companion, guardian and general all-purpose dog.<\/p>\n
The behavior of the Rottweiler in the show ring should be controlled, willing and adaptable, trained to submit to examination of mouth, testicles, etc. An aloof or reserved dog should not be penalized, as this reflects the accepted character of the breed. An aggressive or belligerent attitude towards other dogs should not be faulted.<\/p>\n
Faults – The foregoing is a description of the ideal Rottweiler. Any structural fault that detracts from the above described working dog must be penalized to the extent of the deviation.<\/p>\n
Entropion, ectropion. Overshot, undershot (when incisors do not touch or mesh); wry mouth; two or more missing teeth. Unilateral cryptorchid or cryptorchid males. Long coat. Any base color other than black; absence of all markings. A dog that in the opinion of the judge attacks any person in the ring.<\/p>\n
Hi there, I did not write this myself but just interesting things l found when researching my new pup, well part of his breed anyways<\/p>\n
History of the Miniature Pinscher<\/p>\n
The Min Pin, nicknamed the “King of Toys” for its bold and alert attitude and the “Court Jester” for its lively, animated presence, which originated as a ratter in Germany back in 1836. The dogs, most likely related to the German Pinscher family, were a cross between the Dachshund and the Italian Greyhound.<\/p>\n
Despite the uninformed notion that Miniature Pinschers, like many other mini breeds, are merely “honey I shrunk the …” versions of the Doberman Pincsher, they are not related. As a matter of fact, the Min Pin boasts an older heritage than that Doberman. The first Doberman was bred in 1890 by Louis Doberman in an attempt to breed a huge terrier that would look like the little Reh Pinscher. The little Reh Pinscher, originally dubbed such due to their rusty red coat, is what Miniature Pinschers were originally called. So, not only is the Min Pin not a “honey I shrunk the …” version of the Doberman, the Doberman was in fact bred to be a “honey I blew up the Reh Pinscher” instead!<\/p>\n
The original Min Pins, back when dogs had to earn their keep more than today’s pets, were little farm hands. Thanks to their small size and with the assistance of their curious nature, they were able to get into tight places and rid barns of vermin.<\/p>\n
The breed made its American debut in the 1920’s and they were originally shown in the Terrier Group. The MPCA was founded in 1929, wrote its first set of standards in 1935. The standards were revised several times over the years with the latest revision being in 1980.<\/p>\n
Although there are four recognized colors for the Min Pin, the reds are usually the ones that take the shows. Personally I prefer the masked black and rust, but the powers that be seem to think their skulls were too round and their muzzles to sharp. Thanks to the MPCA breed historian Janis Mercer, she and her husband started working to breed better quality black and rusts in the 1970’s. While the black and rust version has improved over the years, the reds still seem to come out ahead in the show ring.<\/p>\n
As referenced by the American Kennel Club, the following is the breed standard for the Min Pin.<\/p>\n
The Miniature Pinscher is structurally a well balanced, sturdy, compact, short-coupled, smooth-coated dog. The Min Pin is naturally a well groomed, proud, vigorous and alert dog. Characteristic traits are a hackney-like action, fearless animation, complete self-possession, and a very spirited presence.<\/p>\n
There are four color variations the AKC regognizes: red, stag red (red with a mix of black hairs), black and rust, or chocolate and rust.<\/p>\n
Disqualifications: Any color other than listed, including the “blue” variation. Thumb mark (patch of black hair surrounded by rust on the front of the foreleg between the foot and the wrist; on chocolates, the patch is chocolate hair). White on any part of dog which exceeds one-half inch in its longest dimension.<\/p>\n
Smooth, hard and short, straight and lustrous, closely adhering to and uniformly covering the body.<\/p>\n
10 inches to 12 1\/2 inches in height is allowed, although the desired height 11 inches to 11 1\/2 inches measured at highest point of the shoulder blades. Length of males equals height at withers. Females may be slightly longer. (for Aus people Ideal height 25.5-30 cm, Weight 4.5kg<\/p>\n
Disqualifications: Under 10 inches or over 12 1\/2 inches in height.<\/p>\n
The forelegs and hind legs move parallel, with feet turning neither in nor out. The hackney-like action is a high-stepping, reaching, free and easy gait in which the front leg moves straight forward and in front of the body and the foot bends at the wrist. The dog drives smoothly and strongly from the rear. The head and tail are carried high.<\/p>\n
A proud, vigorous, hardy, spirited little dog, the Miniature Pinscher is frequently called “King of the Toys”. Originating in Germany where it was known as the Reh Pinscher because of its resemblance to small red deer it is important to note that the Miniature Pinscher is not a miniaturised Dobermann.<\/p>\n
The “Min Pin’s” loving nature, loyalty and intelligence make it a favourite with both adults and gentle children. Bold and flashy with a tendency to show off, the “Min Pin’s” distinctive hackney gait gives it a style few breeds can rival.<\/p>\n
Bright, attentive and trainable the Miniature Pinscher often out performs far larger breeds in the obedience ring.<\/p>\n
The Miniature Pinscher’s sleek black, blue, chocolate or red coat sheds minimally and requires little grooming. “Min Pins” are ideal for flat dwellers and may obtain sufficient exercise in a very small space. They have a low tolerance to cold therefor it is necessary to provide warm housing for this breed.<\/p>\n
In Memory Of Richard Williams, passed 24th October, 2004<\/p>\n
And now the information l found on my new pups other part of his breed, again, not written by me.<\/p>\n
History of the Bichon Frise<\/p>\n
The Bichon Frise is of Mediterranean ancestry. His oldest ancestor is the Barbet, or Water Spaniel, from which the name Barbichon cam, later shortened to Bichon. Also descended from the Barbet are the Caniche, or Poodle, and the Maltese. They have certain similarities because of their common ancestry, but each long ago became a separate breed.<\/p>\n
The Barbichon group of dogs evolved into four breeds: The Bichon Bolognese, the Bichon Havanese, the Bichon Maltese and the Bichon Tenerife. From the Bichon Tenerife came today’s Bichon Frise. These lively and affectionate dogs found their way from the Mediterranean area to the Canary Islands, specifically to the Island of Tenerife. They probably traveled as the companions of Spanish sailors, who may have used them as items of barter.<\/p>\n
By the 1300’s, Italy had become a center of trade and commerce and, with the advent of the Renaissance, began a period of exploration. Now it was the Italian sailors who returned the Bichon to the continent. In Italy, the Bichon Tenerife attracted the attention of nobility and the new middle class of merchants. The dog was often groomed in the lion style, which was then a popular trim, but he should not be confused with the Little Lion Dog (Lowchen). Late in the 1400’s, as the French became enamoured of Italian culture, France invaded Italy, and the Italian influence spread north. Italian artists and scholars went north to serve in the French courts and, no doubt, carried along favorite pets.<\/p>\n
It was about this time that the Tenerife or Bichon made his appearance in France, during the reign of Francis I (1515-1547), the patron of the Renaissance. His popularity grew under Henry III (1574-1589). A favorite Bichon legend says that King Henry so loved his Bichon that he carried him wherever he went in a tray-like basket attached around his neck by ribbons. What the king does, others at court imitate. The pampered, perfumed, beribboned dogs gave birth to the French verb “bichonner” (to make beautiful, to pamper). Another period of popularity in France was during the year\u2019s of-Napoleon III (1808-1873).<\/p>\n
Many artists have included a small curly-coated lap dog or a Bichon-like figure somewhere in their portraits. Among the most famous were Titian (1490-1576) of Italy, Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723-1792), first President of the Royal Academy of England, and the Spanish artist Francisco Goya (1746-1828). These works of art help to verify the presence of the Bichon in various countries.<\/p>\n
By the end of the 19th century, the pet of royalty had become less fashionable. In the late 1800’s, he became a street dog and could be found doing tricks in the circus or at fairs. The cuddled pet was now on his own — and he survived! His charm, his cunning mind and his sturdiness no doubt enabled him to do so.<\/p>\n
Following World War I, a few fanciers recognized the potential of the dogs and began establishing’ their lines through controlled breeding programs. On March 5, 1933, the official standard of the breed, as written by Madam Abadie of Steren Vor Kennels, was adopted by the Societe Central Canine de France. As the breed was known by two names, Tenerife and Bichon, the President of the International Canine Federation, Mme. Nizet de Lemma\u2019s, proposed a name based on the characteristics that the dogs presented and the name Bichon a polio Frise (Bichon with the curly coat) was adopted. The anglicized version is Bichon Frise (curly lap dog). On October 18, 1934, the Bichon was admitted to the official registry of the French Kennel Club.<\/p>\n
The International Canine Federation recognizes the Bichon Frise “as a French-Belgian breed having the right to registration in the Book of Origins from all countries”. The breed is recognized in most of the world now, but then was recognized in only three countries: Belgium, France and Italy. It was the development of the Bichon Frise in the United States that was to bring about the recognition of the breed in other countries.<\/p>\n
At the end of World War I, American soldiers brought a few of these dogs back with them as pets. Some may remember having seen them but no effort was made to breed or to keep records.<\/p>\n
In 1956, Mr. and Mrs. Francois Picault immigrated to our country with six Bichons. They settled in Milwaukee, where their first litter arrived, sired by Eddy White de Steren Vor out of the bitch Etoile de Steren Vor. The Picaults were to eventually meet two Americans, Azalea Gascoigne, a breeder of Dachshunds, in Milwaukee, and a Collie breeder, Gertrude Fournier, in San Diego. It was some time before these ladies met. In the meantime, each had begun to Breed the Bichon Frise and each had made efforts to organize with other Bichon breeders. The Bichon Frise Club of America, formed in May 1964, was established as a result of their combined efforts. At this time Bichon enthusiasts began to increase in number. As members of BFCA, they worked diligently to establish the breed in this country and to gain recognition by the American Kennel Club. Smaller groups of Bichon breeders began to form local clubs under the guidance of the national club.<\/p>\n
September 1, 1971, was a big day for the Bichons and their dedicated owners. It was on this date that the Bichon Frise was permitted to compete in American Kennel Club shows in the miscellaneous class. When competing in Miscellaneous, the dog receives ribbons according to his placement in the class but he is not awarded points toward his championship. Many breeds spend years in this class before being granted full recognition by AKC. However, at the October 10, 1972, meeting of the American Kennel Club, it was announced that the Bichon Frise had been granted recognition and would be eligible to compete for championship points on April 4, 1973. Hard work had paid off and a major goal was reached.<\/p>\n
Now that AKC recognition of the breed had been achieved, the next step was to have the national club recognized. Although a strong organization existed already, it had yet to become officially acknowledged. One aim of a national breed club is to hold Specialty shows, limiting entry to one breed. Under AKC guidelines, a club must hold a series of “match shows”. A match show is, in effect, a practice show. All the procedures of a point show are followed. Four match shows were held, hosted by local clubs in San Diego, Atlanta, Virginia and New York, from April 7, 1973, through October 26, 1975. With the last match, all the requirements had been met. Permission was granted on November 26, 1975, for BFCA to conduct the first Specialty. The first National Bichon Frise Club of America Specialty, obedience Trial and Sweepstakes was held on May 14, 1976, and was hosted by the Bichon Frise Club of San Diego.<\/p>\n
The next major undertaking was a revision of the Standard, that guideline by which all Bichons are judged and toward which all breeding must be aimed. Following months of preparation, the Revised Standard was presented to the membership of BFCA for approval and, subsequently, to the American Kennel Club. Its current version was approved on October 11, 1988, and can be found in this book. The new standard is a more complete word picture of the perfect Bichon. In the future, it will be accompanied by an Illustrated Standard.<\/p>\n
Since 1976, each local Bichon Club has been given the opportunity to bid on hosting the Specialty, held in the spring. Many local clubs now conduct their own specialties while some clubs hold AKC sanctioned B or A specialty matches. But it is the annual National Specialty, which is most eagerly anticipated. Bichon owners throughout North America attend. The highlight of the week is the show itself and each seems more beautiful than the last. There is no sight more spectacular than a room full of perfectly groomed Bichons Frises. It is with a great deal of pride that the Bichon Frise Club of America looks back on the history of this “small, sturdy, white powder puff of a dog with the merry temperament”* – The Bichon Frise.<\/p>\n
The Health of the Bichon Frise<\/p>\n
Based on a recent health survey, the primary health problems in the Bichon are:<\/p>\n
1. skin and allergy;<\/p>\n
2. dental (tartar and early tooth loss);<\/p>\n
3. bladder infections and stones;<\/p>\n
4. patellar (knee) luxation;<\/p>\n
5. ear infections;<\/p>\n
6. eye disease.<\/p>\n
Some of these can be genetic. Cataracts in the Bichon Frise are a newly revealed major problem and research into the mode of inheritance is being done at the University of Florida. If your dog has cataracts, a pedigree should be sent by your veterinary ophthalmologist to Dr. Kirk Gelatt at U. FLA. To determine the health of the parents, the breeding pair should be registered with CERF (eyes) and OFA (orthopedics) and the registration numbers should appear on the pedigree of your puppy.<\/p>\n
Cancers can occur in all older animals. Two of the most prevalent are prostate in the male and mammary gland carcinoma in the female. The earlier the animals are neutered\/spayed, the less likely they are to have these fatal diseases, usually appearing by age 10 or 11, shortening the long life of a Bichon (with good health care, they often live to 16 plus years).<\/p>\n
Dental care can prevent early tooth loss and bladder or kidney infections. The use of a toothbrush to keep tartar down is very helpful. Professional scaling is essential if you do not scale the teeth at home. Avoid canned foods and feed a good basic dry kibble found at feed and seed stores or better pet stores. Except in extreme cases, allergies do not have to be treated with steroids. Antihistamines or special baths can help. Heavy steroid use can precipitate other (fatal) diseases, such as diabetes, liver and pancreatic problems. Be creative in finding the cause of the allergy. It is usually an inhalant (trees, grasses, molds, etc.) and may be seasonal. Try bathing more often or less often to see which works best and rinse thoroughly, especially if the skin tends to be dry. (Oily skin may need a less fatty diet.) Fatty acids may help. Ask your vet. Flea allergy is more common in certain areas. You must get rid of the fleas before you can be successful in treating the allergy. New products will keep the fleas from reproducing. Fleas collars are not the preferred treatment and overuse of flea sprays can be toxic to the dog. Check with your veterinarian for safe ways to eliminate the fleas and protect your pet while spraying house and yard.<\/p>\n
There is a condition called immotile cilia syndrome (or Kartagener’s syndrome) found in some Bichons that is thought to be an autoimmune condition that causes the dogs to have multiple symptoms. These may include frequent respiratory disease, such as pneumonia or excessively runny nose. If your puppy develops these symptoms or has difficulty overcoming infections of any kind, this diagnosis should be considered. This condition is probably hereditary.<\/p>\n
Immunizations may affect the long-term health of the Bichon if all given at once. We strongly recommend giving rabies separate from the other shots (wait at least four weeks). New recommendations indicate that the combination shot may sometimes be given every 2-3 years after dogs reach adulthood. Please discuss this with your veterinarian. Some Bichons react to the leptospirosis shot (a disease carried by rodents) with chills and fever, usually lasting for several hours. Some Bichons have reacted poorly to the medication found in PLUS type heartworm preventatives. Give the medication using a different brand.<\/p>\n
Plenty of fresh water is essential to prevent bladder and kidney stones. Watch for bloody urine and plan to take a urine sample along at each annual visit to check on the pH of the urine and the presence of white cells or crystals. (To collect a sample, be creative. You can put a “diaper” of plastic wrap on the animal before walking him\/her if you can’t just catch it in a paper cup.)<\/p>\n
Bichons are prone to loose stifles (knees) and may suffer from luxating patellas and injury to the cruciate ligaments in the knee. One veterinarian remarked on the health survey that she sees lots of weaker knees but most never are injured. Perhaps the dogs that are injured are not getting good walking exercise to tone up the muscles or are too fat. Watch your Bichon’s weight!<\/p>\n
Temperament is not a disease but can be inherited. Most shy Bichons can be brought around by socializing, gentle training and love – but not by overprotecting them! Tucking a shy animal into your chest to avoid contact with others only increases the problem. Encourage contact by letting the dog sniff the scent of the person’s hand, allowing the pup to come on his own. Chasing a dog scares him. Next time he may run into the path of a car! Mostly give your Bichon love and build up his\/her confidence. You will soon have a happy contented friend for life.<\/p>\n
A descendant of the Barbet or Water Spaniel, the Barbichon originated in the Mediterranean. The name of subsequently shortened to Bichon, and four different varieties evolved, one of which was the enchanting little Bichon Frise.<\/p>\n
The value of the early Bichon Frise was often as an item of barter, but he soon established himself as the favourite pet of the European aristocracy.<\/p>\n
Although small in stature, he is big on personality, with a lively, irrepressible nature which makes him great fun to own. His fine white silky coat of soft, corkscrew curls is trimmed to show off his beautiful dark expressive eyes, and to give a full, rounded appearance to the head and body. Consequently he tends to take on the appearance of a snow-white fluffy child’s toy when standing still. On the move, he resembles an animated powder-puff. To look his stylish best, the Bichon should be groomed every day and professionally clipped regularly.<\/p>\n
Remarkably intelligent and affectionate, he adores people and is easily trained. Overflowing with self-confidence and joie de vivre, generations of dependence on human beings have given him a sense of belonging to the family, which manifests itself in his enjoyment of comfort and company. Although diminutive in size, he makes an alert little house alarm.<\/p>\n
Ideal height: less than 30cm<\/p>\n
Weight approx 5kg<\/p>\n
In Memory Of Richard Williams, passed 24th October, 2004<\/p>\n
Can Half Breed Dogs be listed here? My dog is just as special .. maybe even more so… he has two heritages.<\/p>\n
The origin of the Chinese Crested is steeped in myths and legends. It is a very old breed that many people are unfamiliar with. It is thought that they originated in Africa, hence the genus, Canis Africanus. It amasses how this little breed as survived the centuries. It has not only servived but won the battle against extenction.<\/p>\n
Archaeological evidence has shown that a small hairless breed resembling that of our beloved chinese crested lived in Mexico thousands of years ago.<\/p>\n
When the thombs of ancient burial sites were excavated, skeletons and clay figures were found. The dog was belived to be held in the highest regard during the Tottelc period 900-1200 AD.<\/p>\n
It was classed as one of the ten symbals of good, belonging to the gods.The Chinese Crested represented Love. It was belived that the dog\u2019s love for its master was the most perfect manifestation of unselfish love. Acording to the legand when one died this was the only possision allowed to leave the earth with man. Togethere they greated the gods at the gate of heaven where they stood trial. The dog was aloud the power of speach and accounted for the mans good or evil deads.<\/p>\n
During this erea you can imagine how important these dogs were to sociaty. They held the key to the balance of the earth and the heavens.<\/p>\n
Sadley the Aztecs invated the Toltecs and the spiritual image of the dog was lost. Now the Chinese Crested\u2019s fate was in the hands of a brutial culture. What was to become of them next was unthinkable.<\/p>\n
The Aztics found the empires prized Chinese Crested in the temples of the city. And so the empires used them as a food source.. They became the sacred food used in festivals and also become sacrifices to there gods.<\/p>\n
There numbers depleted to almost extinction. Until one day in the 16th century when chinese trading ships happened upon the land of the Aztics.<\/p>\n
The sailers were stricken with the plaque and many were dieing when they pulled into the city. There ships were infested with rats and the rats were covered with fleas that were caring the deadly virus. A man happened upon a Chinese Crested in the trading city were he purchased it in hopes of it capturing the Rats aboard the ship.<\/p>\n
Fleas would not nest on this aniamal or so the tradsman hoped. I am sure they prayed for an answer and when they discovered how fast these little dogs could run and how easily they could catch the rats. They must have yelled out in praise to their Gods.<\/p>\n
So they went in search of more Chinese Crested to fill there ships with. I am sure the cost was high but they had little to loose.<\/p>\n
The ship left the Aztic city with no riches or gold but with llittle hairless dogs that once again had regained there spiritual image.<\/p>\n
Back in China the empires started keeping them and using them as bed warmers, as there body temperatures seemed to be higher than normal. And myths came…they were belived to cure sickness, everything from curing asthma to fevers. A true gift from the gods.<\/p>\n
Here they stayed and were bred for the kings of China and were held with the untmost respect.<\/p>\n
The Chinese Crested has come a long way from its ancient past. It has traveled many an ocean on a journey to us here in the United States.<\/p>\n
They were first importated to Great Britian in the late 1800\u2019s . In 1959 the first Chinese Crested club was founded..<\/p>\n
Many people question why there has been so few recorded on the whelping records. Why have they remained a rare breed after all these centurys. During that time most puppies whelped did not survive. Further imports from Europe proved fruitless due to abnormalities in the breed.<\/p>\n
So it has been long slow process. It was very rare to see a Chinese Crested and many had not heard of them so when a young lady visited her local shelter it was to her amazment that there in front of her was a little hairless dog. Not aware of the breed the lady adopted it and gave it to her sister as a gift. This sister was none other than the famous \u201cGypsy Lee\u201d she proved to be a vital part in the population of the Chinese Crested. She founded another Chinese Crested club in 1969 and begain a new breeding program.<\/p>\n
In 1988 the AkC regonised the Chinese Crested and by 1991 had gained full recognition.<\/p>\n
The journey has been long but worth the wait and effort. Today the Chinese Crested is one of the most extrovent, fascinating and intelligant of the toy breeds.<\/p>\n
In the Hutchinson\u2019s Dog Encyclopidea they are described as belonging to the greyhound group. And this would be a very good place to put them.<\/p>\n
One of the greatest joys in owning a Chinese Crested is to hear them sing in unison. They are indead pac animals ans love the companey of one another. There is also something to be said about seeing them in an open field running side by side chasing small game such as squirrels and rabbits.<\/p>\n
The graceful appearance of there bodies, crests and plumes flying in the wind.. resembling a small horse..<\/p>\n
There characteristics are so delicate and graceful. They seem to have the best balance of any dog breed and enjoy standing on their hind legs.. to me they resemble a Kangaroo or a prarie dog as they are doing it. Their large erect ears pick up on the smallest of sounds and stand straight up and move so graceful from side to side like a small radar. They seem tolike constand human touch. They thrive on it and it is said that they have a very hard time if they ever have to be rehomed. Some die, resulting in the depression they experiance.<\/p>\n
A true companion dog. loyal till the end. The Chinese Crested offers there owner unconditional love just as they were bred to do 1000\u2019s of years ago.<\/p>\n
There is a few things that need to be said about the breed if you are looking into purchasing one.<\/p>\n
There are 2 varietys the “hairless” and the coated \u201cPowderPuff\u201d For many years the coated variety was distroyed thought to be useless. Hairless to Hairless were breed hoping to breed the gene of hair out of them. This did not work.<\/p>\n
This is because the hairlessness is dominant, and not recesssive, as in most mutations. The two varietys are inseparable due to this genetic make-up. You CAN NOT have one without the other. This fact has to be accepted it is the way of life. The gene which produces hairlessness is an incomplete dominant gene it is lethal. So the puppy who inhariits a double does. One from both the mothers sode and the fathers will die in the uterus or soon after birth. This is a fact of life in the breed and must be considered.<\/p>\n
Another statement that needs to be made is that there are 3 varitys so to say of the hairless.<\/p>\n
1. \u201cTrue Hairless\u201d Which is less than 25 percent of body hair.<\/p>\n
2. \u201cModerate Hairless\u201d Which produces unwanted hair on the back of the legs and down t t<\/p>\n
the spine.<\/p>\n
3. \u201cHairy Hairless\u201d Which can easily be confused as a puff. Many times there belly is the<\/p>\n
only place without hair. And sometimes the coat is not as thick.<\/p>\n
On another note the teeth of the Chinese Crested needs some addressing.<\/p>\n
The teeth on a PowderPuff are to be completly normal. However the teeth on a hairless are lacking in many areas.<\/p>\n
The shape of the incisors can vary considerably. Some are no more than little pegs protruding through the gums. The number of teeth can vary . Many can be missing and some have none at all. Sometimes Milk teeth that showed great promose are not replaced with Adult teeth. The teeth that are present can be poorly rooted. But do not stop feeding hard kibble this will not save the teeth if they are going to loose them they will no matter what their diet. You just have to be able to face the facts of owning a breed with little teeth.<\/p>\n
Pre-Molars are usually the first to go and they may be missing one-two-three- or even all of them. This should be acknowledged as typical of the breed.<\/p>\n
Now an over or undershot mouth in the Chinese Crested hairless or PowderPuff is a NO NO.<\/p>\n
On there skin. The Chinese Crested hairless have skin much like our own and require skin care. they are prone to Acne.<\/p>\n
Acne, is a condition where the pores of the skin become clogged and inflamed. This condition in CCs is thought to be manly genetic. it is an inherited defect of the pores.<\/p>\n
Almost every part of your body is covered by hairs (some so tiny they are invisible to the naked eye). Each hair is grown from a follicle (a tiny pit in the skin) and within each follicle is a sebaceous gland. This gland produces a oily\/waxy substance called sebum. Sebum lubricates the skin and keeps it soft it also prevents it from drying out. If there is an over-production of sebum then it becomes trapped in the pit, thus forming a blackhead. If bacteria is also trapped in the pit and multiplies, it then forms pus and can become a pimple, whitehead, or cyst. This process is known as acne. CCs are prone to acne, and the condition can worsen as the dog reaches sexual maturity (adolescence) because of the increased level of hormones stimulating the sebaceous glands to produce more oil.<\/p>\n
There are many ways to treat and prevent this. You would treat it in much the same way you would trat your own breakouts.<\/p>\n
Each breeder has their own way of treating their dogs acne.<\/p>\n
Many use over the counter products such as CLEAN & CLEAR<\/p>\n
MADE BE JOHNSON&JOHNSON . While others use a mixture of cetaphil and hazel.<\/p>\n
There are many acne products available. Choose one and test a small area of your CC and see what works best for you.<\/p>\n
With this all being said lets look at the two distinct body types of the CC.<\/p>\n
1. Deer Type – Racy and Fine boned<\/p>\n
2. Cobby Type – heavier in body and bone with much shorter legs. The Cobby is<\/p>\n
\u201crounder\u201d in most departments – eyes-skull-bone-and ribcage.<\/p>\n
It is not as elegant looking and therfor a contrudiction to the standard.<\/p>\n
However many breeders prefer this type and are breeding them. Always ask which type they have.<\/p>\n
There are also many different prefered ways to groom your CC. Here are a few.<\/p>\n
1. Clean face and ears – Meaning you shave the face<\/p>\n
and ears of your Hairless and or your PowderPuff<\/p>\n
2. Clean face – Meaning only shave the face of you<\/p>\n
Hairless or PowderPuff<\/p>\n
3.Full Face – Meaning do not shave any face hair of<\/p>\n
your Hairless or PowderPuff<\/p>\n
4.Full Face shaved ears – Meaning full face and shaved<\/p>\n
ears of your Hairless or PowderPuff.<\/p>\n
The AKC standard is as follows:<\/p>\n
General Appearance<\/p>\n
A toy dog, fine-boned, elegant and graceful. The distinct varieties are born in the same litter. The Hairless with hair only on the head, tail and feet and the Powderpuff, completely covered with hair. The breed serves as a loving companion, playful and entertaining.<\/p>\n
Size, Proportion, Substance<\/p>\n
Size – Ideally 11 to 13 inches. However, dogs that are slightly larger or smaller may be given full consideration. Proportion – rectangular-proportioned to allow for freedom of movement. Body length from withers to base of tail is slightly longer than the height at the withers. Substance – Fine-boned and slender but not so refined as to appear breakable or alternatively, not a robust, heavy structure.<\/p>\n
Expression – Alert and intense. Eyes – Almond-shaped, set wide apart. Dark-colored dogs have dark-colored eyes, and lighter-colored dogs may have lighter-colored eyes. Eye rims match the coloring of the dog. Ears – Uncropped large and erect, placed so that the base of the ear is level with the outside corner of the eye. Skull – The skull is arched gently over the occiput from ear to ear. Distance from occiput to stop equal to distance from stop to tip of nose. The head is wedge-shaped viewed from above and the side. Stop – Slight but distinct. Muzzle – Cheeks taper cleanly into the muzzle. Nose – Dark in dark-colored dogs; may be lighter in lighter-colored dogs. Pigment is solid. Lips – Lips are clean and tight. Bite – Scissors or level in both varieties. Missing teeth in the Powderpuff are to be faulted. The Hairless variety is not to be penalized for absence of full dentition.<\/p>\n
Neck, Topline, Body<\/p>\n
Neck – Neck is lean and clean, slightly arched from the withers to the base of the skull and carried high. Topline – Level to slightly sloping croup. Body – Brisket extends to the elbow. Breastbone is not prominent. Ribs are well developed. The depth of the chest tapers to a moderate tuck-up at the flanks. Light in loin. Tail – Tail is slender and tapers to a curve. It is long enough to reach the hock. When dog is in motion, the tail is carried gaily and may be carried slightly forward over the back. At rest the tail is down with a slight curve upward at the end resembling a sickle. In the Hairless variety, two-thirds of the end of the tail is covered by long, flowing feathering referred to as a plume. The Powderpuff variety’s tail is completely covered with hair. >br><\/p>\n
Angulation – Layback of shoulders is 45 degrees to point of shoulder allowing for good reach. Shoulders – Clean and narrow. Elbows – Close to body. Legs – Long, slender and straight. Pasterns – Upright, fine and strong. Dewclaws may be removed. Feet – Hare foot, narrow with elongated toes. Nails are trimmed to moderate length.<\/p>\n
Angulation – Stifle moderately angulated. From hock joint to ground perpendicular. Dewclaws may be removed. Feet – Same as forequarters.<\/p>\n
The Hairless variety has hair on certain portions of the body: the head (called a crest), the tail (called a plume) and the feet from the toes to the front pasterns and rear hock joints (called socks). The texture of all hair is soft and silky, flowing to any length. Placement of hair is not as important as overall type. Areas that have hair usually taper off slightly. Wherever the body is hairless, the skin is soft and smooth. Head Crest begins at the stop and tapers off between the base of the skull and the back of the neck. Hair on the ears and face is permitted on the Hairless and may be trimmed for neatness in both varieties. Tail Plume is described under Tail. The Powderpuff variety is completely covered with a double soft and silky coat. Close examination reveals long thin guard hairs over the short silky undercoat. The coat is straight, of moderate density and length. Excessively heavy, kinky or curly coat is to be penalized. Grooming is minimal-consisting of presenting a clean and neat appearance.<\/p>\n
Any color or combination of colors.<\/p>\n
Lively, agile and smooth without being stilted or hackneyed. Comes and goes at a trot moving in a straight line.<\/p>\n
Gay and alert.<\/p>\n
Approved June 12, 1990<\/p>\n
Effective April 1, 1991<\/p>\n
Here are some of the many looks of a Chinese Crested.<\/p>\n
Here is a full face and ear on a puppy.<\/p>\n
Here is a Puff with full ears and shaved face belonging to a dear friend of mine Lee York<\/p>\n
True Hairless shaved face, Full ears<\/p>\n
In this picture you can see the ridge of white hair down the back. This is Gilbert a True Hairless with less than 25 percent body hair. But he does have the small ridge which is very common.<\/p>\n
A few more bits of info<\/p>\n
The hair on the hairless is referred to as furnishings<\/p>\n
A Chinese Crested does not reach adult hood until the age of3<\/p>\n
The Chinese Crested hairless is the only breed with sweat glands.<\/p>\n
The Hairless breed have teeth referred to as “Tusks”<\/p>\n
The Chinese Crested come from Canis Africanus Most all other dog breeds come from Canis Familiaris<\/p>\n
AND ONE MORE BIT OF INTERESTING INFO! There is a famous painting many of you are familiar with ” CHRIST NAILED TO THE CROSS in this picture you can clearly see a small hairless dog with excellent furnishings<\/p>\n
Here is that painting “Christ nailed to the cross” painted in 1481<\/p>\n
There is no greater love than the love between a child and their dog..<\/p>\n
I love these profiles!!!<\/p>\n
bambi1947 you are more than welcome to add a profile for your pup!<\/p>\n
The online community for dog lovers!<\/p>\n – All dog breeds welcome!<\/p>\n
Great job all and a special thank you to macassie for adding our wonderful mixed breeds!<\/p>\n
Sonja & the Ti-Son Bully Crew<\/p>\n
“Life is 10% of what happens to you, and 90% of how you<\/p>\n
respond to it.”<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"
Breed Standard<\/p>\n
Old Definition: A dog, especially a mongrel. A stupid person (short for muttonhead).<\/p>\n
New Definition: M.U.T.T. – Most Unique Totally Terrific dog<\/p>\n
General Appearance<\/p>\n
The Mutt is a dog. His whole appearance is one of dignity and aloofness or slobbering, wiggling, happy-to-see-you joy. He has a proudly carried head, or it can be cocked to one side in an adorable expression that is often caught by photography everywhere.<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":1,"featured_media":0,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"open","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":[],"categories":[7],"tags":[],"yoast_head":"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n