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What is DogGroups.com? DogGroups.com is an online community for dog lovers. You can chat with other users, look at dog pictures, search for dog products and jsut about anything else you could imagine in relation to dogs!
Does DogGroups.com sell the my name to any third party sources? Absolutely not, DogGroups.com knows that privacy is an important issue to our members. We regard all information we receive as confidential. We will not bombard your in box with advertisements and only send you information you request. For more information on your privacy, please see the DogGroups.com Privacy Policy.
I have some ideas I would like added to DogGroups.com, who do I contact? We appreciate any ideas that would make using DogGroups.com more enjoyable. Please send all comments to webmaster@doggroups.com.
Why was this site made? DogGroups.com was developed for dog lovers, by a dog lover. Basically it got tiresome to search for several different sites if wanting to chat, shop or create a photo album, so DogGroups.com was created as a dog portal where everything can be found on one site.
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